Fox Sports’ Erin Andrews, looking bangin’ and demoing the CrossFit workout.
Wanna know how EA keeps that rockin’ bod in shape? Pick up an issue of Self magazine. When you’re in the media spotlight as much as she is, you gotta look your best. The video, and more pics after the jump.
Check out these workout programs here, you can totally get the same figure as EA with just some discipline and the right exercise.
Paul M. Banks is CEO of The Sports, an official Google News site generating millions of unique visitors. He’s also a regular contributor to Chicago Now, Walter, Yardbarker, and Fox Sports
A Fulbright scholar and MBA, Banks has appeared on live radio all over the world; and he’s a member of the Football Writers Association of America, U.S. Basketball Writers Association, and Society of Professional Journalists. The President of the United States follows him on Twitter (@Paul_M_BanksTSB) You should too.
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